Let's start this intro by thanking every single one of EX-SA members for making all our achievements and shenanigans possible! It's thanks to you that people still huddle up on comms, join fleets and mingle over and over every week.
Our primary goals have now shifted to providing verified FCs / communities for a wide range of content, making sure everyone is chasing FUN-per-hour instead of grinding ISK-per-hour. This ensures no pressure on individuals and once again highlights the vast number of activities in EVE players can take part in, especially when they don't look at various game loops through the grindy glasses of ISK efficiency.
Furthermore, this year was marked with EX-SA swapping alliances and joining The Ancients - one of the largest NPSI groups and content creators in game. Our pilots have been a part of TA roams for a very long time, and it simply felt right to make this move as the next step of our EVE journey. We made and kept a lot of friends, and it's safe to say that all active PVPers fully embraced the purple of the NPSI fleets!
Another major milestone was our participation in this year's Alliance Tournament! It was a fantastic experience with loads of fun and pewpew, so we're very much looking forward to our next qualification round in 2022!
We've always been more about having fun and doing stupid shit than killboards, but everyone likes to see them green - With that said, let's dive straight into our activity stats for 2021!
We've been up to random shenanigans throughout the year, and listing them all here would make this single page even longer to scroll! Luckily, it's become a habbit for us to post small snippets of activities worth noting on our timeline so we can always go back and have a reminder of what we did.
Be it something worthy like a major milestone or something completely stupid to make fun of for years to come - our timeline serves as a testament of all things EX-SA related.
Explorers' Sanctum - 2021 stats
Killboard statistics & player activity